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Fortune Resource Centre aims to provide users with useful information on remedies in harnessing Chi (Qi) to create beneficial changes in lives to attain life fulfillment with our secure online Feng Shui Mall of Products.
A person's destiny and luck, when tuned to be in synchronization with Heaven & Earth (the surroundings), will develop optimum harmonization. Chinese Astrology or Feng Shui, when it is applied with correct methodology, will not only harness the Chi (Qi), but also enhances the luck and destiny, that results in blessings of harmony, prosperity and fortune.
A Feng Shui analysis first studies the external area of a building follows by the internal environment of building. The lunar calendar's date of birth, gender of the person, the Feng Shui Cycle of the building will then be taken into considerations for the remedy of current Feng Shui to harness the Chi (Qi) to be in optimized synchronization with the current Feng Shui cycle and its environment.